23 October 2008

So a lot has changed over here at Family Marew, I guess the first thing that has changed would be our name. Goodbye Clan Marew and hello Family Marew. You see, on April 21st we added a new addition. Rowena Welters came in weighing 8lbs 11oz with a head full a hair that most people only dream about. Before that happened though a lot of other events happened! We moved back to Minnnesota from China. Lived in Tom and Kathy's basement for a few months, Andy got a job at Popular Front in NE Minneapolis, we bought a house in NE Minneapolis and then we had a baby. Whew! So hopefully you will forgive us for not upkeeping this blog. However, I decided to restart it in order to post some pics of Rowen for those living far away and let everyone keep tabs on us. My hope is that I'll post once a week, but no promises as of yet. I might also start posting some of my cooking adventures too...just because I can! So first things first, let's see that house:
This was taken last winter (obviously), but it really doesn't look much different now, well, except for the snow.

As for pics of Rowen you can find them here:


I will post more recent ones the next time I post. I forgot that all of the pictures are on Andy's laptop, not mine. So that's all for now, just wanted to say hello again. And I hope to see you around again soon!

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