06 August 2006

The Adventure Begins

Officially, I believe that the adventures of clan marew (team marew just doesn't have that ring like it used to, perhaps because instead of being settled in as cogs within the system we have freed ourselves and our now nomadic wanders amongst the world) have just begun. Yesterday we spent most of the day packing stuff away into boxes, piling junk and garbage into corners, selling and giving things away, and moving stuff into the storage shed; we made quite a good amount of headway! Also, we drove all the way to my brother's place to spend the night because in about two-and-one-half hours my nephew Raymond will be getting baptized and we will be the Godparents! Which Mary states as meaning that we basically have to give him lots of presents. Whoops, lots of cool AND expensive presents!

For all of you that couldn't make it to our going away/wine & cheese bash last Saturday and for those who did, we have posted pictures to show all the good times that were had by all!

Thus begins the journaling of "The Great Adventures of Clan Marew", more to follow soon...

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